The MESA Schools Program is an academic preparation and math/science enrichment program that partners with schools to provide educationally disadvantaged students with a variety of innovative services and opportunities. The MESA Schools Program assists students in increasing their educational performance, and becoming better prepared for a college and university education. Further, MESA helps students expand their math and science knowledge, and learn more about the exciting career opportunities in related Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields.
MESA is administered by the University of California through local MESA centers at public and private universities throughout the state, and is funded by the state legislature, industry contributions and grants.
Services and activities are typically provided at the school site through after school programs or MESA elective courses offered at a regularly scheduled time during the school day. Activities are led by school-site math or science teachers, called MESA Advisors. On occasion, special trips or events are also held on Saturdays.
MESA is administered by the University of California through local MESA centers at public and private universities throughout the state, and is funded by the state legislature, industry contributions and grants.
Services and activities are typically provided at the school site through after school programs or MESA elective courses offered at a regularly scheduled time during the school day. Activities are led by school-site math or science teachers, called MESA Advisors. On occasion, special trips or events are also held on Saturdays.